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Friday, November 6, 2009

Rocky roads ahead....

This tricky, dangerous, up, down and winding road started 3 months ago. It started off quite alright, things were moving slowly and I do really mean SLOWLY but lately the waters have been a little bit choppy. The horses are just running wild and wrecking havoc to whichever path it goes through.

Trying my best to hold my nerves in check but sometimes they get the best of me. The journey is still more than half way. I hope things would get better and I can learn to become a better man, person and husband out of it.

At the end of this journey insya'Allah I will be on another journey without any rest in between and also with a new title attached to me. This journey will bring me a new passanger that would totally be dependent on me for the whole of *his/her's* existence. I pray to Allah for all the patience, strength and wisdom for this journey and the next one that I know will be never ending.

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