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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Top 10 Best 80's Cartoons

Those that were born in the 80's and spent your Saturday morning's would agree that the cartoons were the best. I still remember dragging myself out of bed just to watch "The Thunderbirds" or "The Wacky Races". In my pyjamas, a bowl of cereal or sometimes nasi lemak and Milo and just watch the cartoons as time passes by. Those were the days. Beautiful.

Here I have compiled a Top 10 list of the best 80's cartoons. The list is not SATURDAY cartoons, but cartoons that appeared during the 80's. Maybe some are not on your list and some might. Here they are:

No. 10: Captain Caveman & son

No. 9: Spiral Zone

No. 8: The Wacky Races

No.7: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

No. 6: Silverhawks

No. 5 : Smurfs

No. 4: M.A.S.K.

No.3: Thundercats


No. 2: Voltron

No.1: Transformers

It was a hard choice between Thundercats & Voltron for the No 2 spot. Both were damn good.

So, here is mine. Let me know what is your's. Whatever it is, 80's cartoons rock!


  1. this really brings back memories! I missed silver hawks :)

  2. Bo.. nape tak letak Jem and the Hologram sekali?? hehehe.. the most loved cartoon for girls :)..mesti u tengok punya kan,kan, kan?

  3. charles baharethistJune 22, 2010 at 8:50 AM

    jayce and the wheeled warriors was good, and i barely remember a cartoon called Ullyse 31, also loved Heathcliff

  4. OMG...He-Man has to be in the top 5 ...can't forget about She-ra...what about C.O.P.S. Inspector Gadget, Brave-Heart, Astro Boy, Rocket Robin Hood.

  5. 10.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    8.Inspector Gadget
    4.G.I. Joe

  6. Love you list bro... how about captain planet and the planeteers? hehehe

  7. He Man and She Ra should trump some of the ones on your list. Tiger Sharks should be there with Silver Hawks. Almost their same. And let's all agree its Voltron 5 Lions. The multiple pieces Voltron kindda sucks.


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