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Monday, February 15, 2010

Console Wars..PS3....Wii.....Xbox 360

Sejak PS2 aku dah tamat perkhidmatan (rosak sebab lanyak Winning Eleven je memanjang) dia tahun lepas, aku masih belum dapat mencari penggantinya. Mesti ada yang kata membazir aje beli benda nih, buang duit dan buang masa. Tapi pada view aku, kalau ada anak-anak saudara datang, bolehlah biar derang layan game dari memekak dan berlari-lari dalam rumah.

Berbalik pada tujuan asal aku letak posting nih. Aku tahu sikit-sikt aje kelebihan setiap console nih. Aku malas nak buat research sangat. Baik minta pandangan orang lain. Ini apa yang aku tahu:

Nintendo Wii
User interaction memang paling best sebab boleh detect body movement. Bagus untuk group and family activites.

Microsoft XBOX 360
Gambar cun. Saingan terdekat PS3. Pilihan game banyak.

Sony Playstation 3
Leader dalam game console sekarang rasanya. Gambar superb sebab guna Blu Ray technology.

Itu aje yang aku  tahu. Harga, senang atau tak dapat game dan ketahanan semua aku tak tahu. 
Nak mintak pendapat kawan-kawan blogger kalau ada yang ada info.....

Lama tak berentap PES dengan adik-adik...

It's an early start to the day & holiday..but she is not complaining...

Got up at 6 today eventhough its a holiday.....
Brushed my teeth, cleaned my face a bit...
Did my subuh prayers and got ready to send my wife to the office...
Yup...she is working today & tomorrow...why??
Because her company follows the American calender as its an American company.....

In the time I woke up, cleaned up myself & got ready, not a single whine or complaint came out of her....
She just got her stuff together and made herself cute a usual......
She is already 7 months pregnant, ankles swollen, tired and all...
But she is ready for work with a smile.....
That is my wife....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wahai Saudara Islamku, Tak Perlulah Sambut Valentine's Day

Tanggal 14hb Februari setiap tahun, muncullah Valentine's Day atau Hari Kekasih. Aku tak pernah sambut Valentine's Day sebab dari dulu sedar ini adalah satu perayaan agama Kristian. Terdapat pelbagai version tentang sejarah Valentine's Day, so aku pun tak nak lah cerita.

Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita wajib menghindari dari menyambut perayaan ini. Mesti ada yang kata, "apa salahnya sambut, bukannya kita berdoa kat church ke, atau peluk Christianity ke". Alasan ini memang selalu aku dengar bila aku buat teguran. Tapi takpelah kalau tak nak dengar atau mengikut sebab aku pun sudah menjalankan tugas sebagai seorang Muslim,
Sebab-sebab seorang Muslim tidak menyambut Valentine's Day:

  1. Bukan hari kebesaran atau sambutan dalam Islam.
  2. Membawa kepada possibilty untuk berzina, seks dan melakukan perkara-perkara di laknati Allah S.W.T.
  3. Pembaziran wang sebab selalunya akan di beli flowers, chocolates, presents dan yang paling best, hotel room untuk melakukan projek. Nauzubillah.
  4. Mengelakkan akidah di gugat.
  5. Menjaga maruah diri dan nama baik keluarga. Ini ada kaitan dengan reason No 2 atas tadi. Kalau kena tangkap khalwat atau mabuk ke, parents dapat tahu, tak ke malu?
  6. Kenapa perlu suatu hari khusus untuk menunjukkan kasih sayang pada yang di sayangi? Tiap-tiap hari pun boleh tapi make sure kita berada dalam perhubungan yang sah dan halal. Ingat!
Bottom line is, Valentine's Day bukanlah sambutan seorang Muslim atau penganut Islam. Elakkanlah menyambutnya.

Happy Chinese New Year

 I would like to wish my fellow Chinese readers and friends a very Happy Chinese New Year!

Lawak Hari Ini: Budak-Budak Sekarang, Terlebih Pandai........

Disclaimer: Lawak jenaka ini hanyalah untuk gelak jadi bahan gelak tawa sahaja.

Rasanya budak sekolah ni nak isi borang kat sekolah dia. Semua dia boleh isi KECUALI ruangan "Bangsa".

Memandangkan ayahnya berbangsa Cina & ibunya berbangsa Singh (orang melayu dulu-dulu panggil Bai), maka inilah jawapan yang budak ni letak kat detail "Bangsa" tu....

Ishh...kesian budak ni ...hehehehe....

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Handphone...Handphone..........Pengalamanku dengan handphone

Handphone pertama aku Nokia 3210. Harga masa aku beli RM 550 & beli kat Pertama Kompleks. Itupun jenuh aku kumpul duit kerja part time catering tahun 2000, tahun pertama Diploma kat UITM Shah Alam. Memang hebatlah time tu rasa, lagi-lagi beli pakai duit sendiri.

Nokia 3210...old school

Sejak Nokia 3210, aku pakai Nokia 8210, kemudian Nokia 8250 (Butterfly), Nokia 7650. Aku curang pada Nokia kejap bila aku guna Sony Ericsson Z800i. Kemudian, bila Z800i telah tamat perkhidmatan 4 tahun, aku kembali pada Nokia. Aku sekarang guna Nokia E71.

Semalam aku terpaksa pujuk adik bongsu aku, yang masih sekolah menengah untuk membatalkan niat dia untuk beli phone Nokia X3 yang harganya RM 550. Phone lama kena curi kat asrama MRSM. Kalau duit sendiri takpe, tapi ini dia mengharapkan duit orang lain. Tapi apa-apa hal pun aku memang tak setuju budak-budak zaman sekarang guna handphone mahal-mahal. Kebanyakan function pun tak dia guna. Membazir aje.

Nokia X3

Kalau korang tertanya-tanya berjaya tak aku mengubah niat adik aku tu, yup aku berjaya pujuk dia beli phone yang lebih murah tapi masih lagi ada function MP3, camera & bluetooth. Cukuplah tu kan.

P/s: Bila dah mula earn duit sendiri nanti, along tak tanya. Janji.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Blog Header Bo Is A Nerd

Ramai juga yang tertanya tentang blog header BoIs A Nerd yang unik gak lah. Aku memang admit agak lain lah dari yang lain tapi aku tak boleh ambil kredit untuk blog header tu. Credit must be given where credit is due.

Designer untuk blog header aku tu bernama Ahmad Nasron Abdul Rahman. Nasron @ Nas ni officemate aku kat office yang memang suka tolong aku bila bab design graphic untuk blog aku atau benda-benda yang kreatif ini. Memang tabik habis lah dengan kreativiti mamat nih.

Nas with wife Reena

Kalau ada geng blogger yang berminat nak guna khidmat si Nas ni untuk design any artwork or graphics, bolehlah tinggalkan nama, email and website link pada comments area. Nanti aku forward pada Nas' untuk arrange perjanjian dengan korang. Aku sendiri pun kena bayar untuk blog header tu. Kira adillah, kalau nak yang terbaik mestilah berbelanja sikit.

Aku letak a few of Nas' work down here for you appreciation.



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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tapir ke Tenuk?

Tadi aku & wife tengok Late Night with David Letterman. Malam ni punya show tentang haiwan-haiwan eksotik macam Owl Money dan anteater. 

Tapi masa  seekor binatang ni keluar, aku & wife argue sikit apa nama binatang ni. Dia kata tenuk & aku plak kata tapir. 

So kawan-kawan, apakah nama binatang ni??

Tapir ke Tenuk?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Apakah Namamu Anakku?

Aku dah tahu jantina bakal anakku. Lelaki. Insya'Allah, lahirlah dia awal bulan May nanti. Aku berdoa setiap hari dia lahir ke dunia sihat dan sempurna. Amin.

Sekarang nak tahu apakah nama yang sesuai untuk di beri. Nasihat orang-orang tua ialah nama patut mempunyai makna yang elok-elok dan sedap di dengar. Kena berhati-hati sebab ada juga nama Arab yang mempunyai maksud yang enak telinga mendengar.

Tapi sekarang generasi muda lebih suka pilih nama yang modern dan simple. Kekadang takde makna di sebaliknya. Ada juga yang bunyinya mengalahkan nama anak omputih.

Faktor lain yang perlu di fikirkan ialah nanti tak nak anak pulak di ejek di sekolah kalau nama dia pelik. Nama timangan juga penting juga nanti.

So, apa pendapat korang tentang nama anak yang sesuai, especially untuk anak lelaki? Adakah nama yang mempunyai makna yang indah atau nama yang modern dan mudah. Kawan-kawan, aku ingin mendengar dari korang.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My First Churp Churp Campaign: Why I like It Longer LG Chocolate LG BL40

The other day I got an email from Churp Churp Nuffnang, the Twitter sister of Nuffnang. They have chosen me to tweet about the latest LG phone, the LG BL40.
The new LG Chocolate LG BL40

The LG Chocolate BL4O is labeled famously as the "supermodel" of all phones. It's long, sleek and glossy features reminds GQ's Dylan James of a supermodel. But to me, in a view of a testerone minded guy, it reminds me more of a sleek, black and glossy supercar, the Buggati Veyron.

Both are sexy, appealing and would drive anybody's andrenaline into overdrive. Even I know that between the two, getting the fabolously sexy LG Chocolate BL40 is a more realistic dream unless a wealthy & crazy human being gives me the keys to this masterpiece on wheels.

The Bugatti Veyron would compliment the LG Chocolate BL40 really well

Back to my Churp Churp campaign (excuse me guys, just carried away with the sexiness of them both), all I have to do is create a tweet about the latest LG masterpiece and then hope that other twitterers join in. So far, this is what I got from my earnings.....

Come on guys, help me out here cos this is just pathetic.

John Terry Out.....Rio Ferdinand In as Captain of England

Shame on you John Terry

Chelsea captain John Terry has been sacked as captain of England after a 12 minute discussion with England boss, Fabio Capello. Capello finally has come to his senses and put Rio Ferdinand as England captain. Capello might say something like this, "You quit or you swim with the fishes? Kapeesh?". Short & sweet.

John Terry was never worthy of the England captain's armband with all his off the field bad behaviours. This latest scandal follows other alleged bad news:
  • both parents involved in vice activities. Mommy is a thief & Daddy  is a drug lord.
  • John Terry himself gave a 10k Pound tour around Stamford Bridge to VIP guests. 150k Pounds a week isn't enough mate?? Greedy.
John Terry will lose out on 20 million Pounds as a result of him being stripped of the captaincy. That is a really damn big amount to lose for just a piece of French tail. Stupid Chelsea player.

Rio in the line of fire as new England captain

Whatever it is Rio Ferdinand (a Manchester United great, yeah I am an MU fan..glory glory!!!) is rightfully selected as England captain. An England captain that other England players can respect. Good luck Rio!

P/s: The England football captain position is really a big soap drama in its own right, dont you think?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Petronas CEO Unveiled

The question who will replace Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Merican is finally answered.

New PETRONAS top man, Datuk Shamsul Azhar Abbas

Datuk Shamsul Azhar Abbas has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) effective 10th February 2010 & will be replacing Tan Sri Mohd Hassan, who's contract will expire on 9th February 2010. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Outgoing CEO & President, Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Merican

This sees that the selection committee had taken heed  Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's, the conglomerate advisor's advice to promote from within as the new CEO should be familiar to the operations of the oil gas giant.. 

Datuk Shamzul Azhar Abbas previously held the position of President & Chief Executive Officer of MISC (also a PETRONAS sub) from 2004 - 2009. All Malaysians wish Datuk Shamsul good luck and hopes he will continue from where Tan Sri Mohd Hassan had left behind.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fradoo ABC Koko Special

Fradoo ABC (Special) Gerai 14 Section 2 Shah Alam

Fradoo ABC (Special) Gerai 14 in Section 2 Shah Alam is a Shah Alam institution. Maybe you think I am exaggerating a bit but those who ever stayed in Shah Alam or had the honor to taste this masterpiece will also agree with me. When it is hot day and I feel like having something cool and got cash to burn, ABC Fradoo is the ticket.

It has been already announced since the new year that Fradoo ABC will hike up their Fradoo ABC Koko Special price from RM 2.50 to RM 3.00 due to rising cost. So, the wife & I went for a quick dash to Fradoo ABC.

She's peeved cos' I'm snapping a picture of Fradoo instead...

We ordered two Fradoo ABC Koko Specials and another two for the road. Thankfully, we came just before the rush hour for this ABC (rush hour starts at 5). So, the wait was not that long. Finally, our order arrived and voilla....

Twin terrors of sweetness

Fradoo ABC Koko Special is made up of shredded ice, red beans, cendol, peanuts, cincau, nata de coco, red syrup (or called tomato ketchup), yellow syrup (called mustard) and green syrup. What makes this dessert special is the secret recipe  melted chocolate poured on top of the ice and. Topping it all off is piece of fruit and a wafer tube.

ABC Fradoo Koko Special

The preparation is clean as the Fradoo ABC employees wear plastic gloves and always wash the ice down and always make sure the ingredients are fresh.

Let me throw in the pictures because my words would not do justice to this masterpiece.

Not a single word came out of her when devouring this masterpiece

After finishing off our ABCs, we paid and collected the two take-away orders. Fradoo ABC again hit the spot. Even though, it will cost us a bit more starting 1st February, we will surely be devoted fans of this dessert masterpiece.

Fradoo ABC Koko Special (take-away version)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Food Review: Austin Steak House

Austin Steak House

The other day the missus and I finally got the chance to try out the latest food joint that is the buzz in lil' old Bandar Baru Bangi, Austin Steak House. I have been hearing about this place and its fantastic food from my sister in law, Kak Ayu. So, on our way back to Shah Alam after visiting the in-laws (Azhani's parents), we had a quick pit stop at Austin Steak House.
Austin Steak House

You can't miss the place as the bright "AUSTIN STEAK HOUSE" signage can be seen far away. We got there before 8 o'clock as advised by Kak Ayu. She said the place would pick up pace after 8. She was right. Once we landed our bums and a few minutes passed by, people started to fill up the place. By the way, parking space is easy enough, so no problem there.

The crowd starts to pack Austin
The ambiance of Austin Steak House is based on a western themed eating joint. Horse cart wheels on the ceiling, bottles on the shelves and wooden furniture used absolutely makes you feel like you are in a old western tavern. A good start to a potentially fine dining experience.

On to the food. Azhani ordered the Chicken Courdon Blue. This dish consists of a piece of deep fried chicken with cheese stuffed into the chicken served with a rich portion of thick and tasty gravy with pieces of chopped button mushrooms. A handful of crinkle cut french fries and coleslaw put into a fresh piece of lettuce finished this dish.

The price for this tasty dish is RM 10.90.

Austin Steak House's Chicken Cordon Blue

I on the other hand ordered the all time western food favourite, chicken chop or in this case Austin Steakhouse Special Chicken Chop. The price also might have influenced me a bit as it was only RM 8.90. 

Austin Steak House Special Chicken Chop

The dish is made up of a big piece of deep fried chicken smothered with a very generous portion of thick gravy with pieces of button mushrooms. Again, a handful of crinkle cut french fries and coleslaw. The grave really complimented the chicken well. Two thumbs up from me.

mouth watering Austin Steak House Chicken Chop

Both of us ordered different drinks. Azhani ordered the Milo Ice and I had the Lemonade or Limau Ais. The big glasses used reminds me of the huge glasses served at William SS2 PJ. Both drinks are priced at RM 2 each. Other drinks on the menu were fruit juices like apple, watermelon, honeydew and the usual fruit juices. They are priced at RM 2.50 and are also served in those huge glasses.

Ice Lemonade and Iced Milo

Other dishes on the menu that I will surely try when I get the chance to go to Austin again will be the Salmon, Lamb Chop or even the Sizzling Steak. This won't do any good to my ever expanding waistline. But it is hard to resist the charm and temptations on offer at Austin Steak House.

Name:Austin Steak House
Address: No. 55 GF, Jalan Kajang Impian 2/1, Taman Kajang Impian, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor
Food: Western Theme
Operating Hours: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Other comments: Enough parking space, family friendly and rightly priced.
Location Map:
Location map grabbed from

Thursday, January 28, 2010

McDonald's in a Pickle Over an Extra Slice of Cheese

I'm so gonna get fired for putting an extra piece of lettuce in that Big Mac

McDonald's had to pay a former employee in one of its Dutch outlets after firing her for putting an extra slice of cheese in a workmate's burger during that friend's lunch break. The courts decided that she was wrongly dismissed and Micky Dees were ordered to pay the remaining 5 months of her contract which was around 6,000 Dollars and also court fees.

McDonald's defended their actions that she had broken the rules that forbids employees to give gifts and free stuff to family members and friends.

Kinda funny that a Big Mac (no pun intended...not!) of a company like McDonalds can get worked up because of an extra piece of food but doesn't mind being robbed gallonf of Coke refills everyday.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Credit Cards.....why do you need them???

The other day some people from an Islamic bank came to my office and gave a talk on personal financing and loans. Credit cards were also mentioned. Some of the younger staffs started to sat up a bit when it came to the credit card talk and were immediately impressed with what was on offer.I think they applied for the cards soon after that.

What I was interested was "why did you guys select that bank's credit card?". The answer that I got was, it sound good and its my first credit card. Well, not really a solid reason to have a credit card.

So, why do you need a credit card. I myself hold a few cards. Each has its own purpose. Groceries (card have special rebates at ALL hypermarkets), entertainment (rebates and also "buy 1 ticket, get 1 ticket free"), bills (again rebates) and petrol (rebates).

an example of a petrol rebate scheme from a bank

From the statement above, you can see that I use cards in terms of savings. And yup, I pay my credit cards in full every month. Some might say, better not use credit cards if paying full each time. But for the past 3 years, I've saved a bundle through rebates and offers. It is a an important tool in my finances.

The Government's decision to put a RM 50 service tax on each credit cards has somehow reduced the need to have too many cards. I am planning to terminate a few. But still, they are an important in my financial plannings.
So, that is why I need credit cards. What is yours?

Sultan Johor Sultan Iskandar Mangkat

 Sultan Johor Sultan Iskandar Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail

Pada 7:15 malam tadi, Sultan Johor, Sultan Iskandar Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail telah mangkat setelah di masukkan ke Puteri Specialist Hospital setelah gering. Kemangkatan baginda pada 7:15 malam telah di umumkan secara rasmi oleh Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman. Baginda berusia 77 tahun.

Baginda Almarhum merupakan seorang Sultan yang tegas tetapi adil dan hanya menginginkan yang terbaik untuk rakyatnya. Di bawah pemerintahan baginda yang bermula sejak May 11, 1981, negeri Johor muncul sebagai di antara negeri yang termaju di Malaysia.

Baginda pernah menjadi DYMM Agong yang ke-8 di antara April 26, 1984 sehingga April 25, 1989.

Baginda meninggalkan Sultanah Johor Sultanah Zanariah dan dua orang putera dan lapan orang puteri iaitu unku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, Tunku Puteri Johor Tunku Hajah Kamariah, Tunku Besar Tunku Zabedah Aminah, Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah, Tunku Hajah Mariam Zahrah, Tunku Norani, Tunku Maimunah Ismailiah, Tunku Bendahara Johor Tunku Abdul Majid Idris Ismail, Paduka Puteri Tunku Muna Najiah and Tunku Aminah Kalsom Masera Marian Zahirah.

Tengku Mahkota Johor mengangkat sumpah semasa perlantikan menjadi pemangku sultan

Tengku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ibrahim Ismail telah di lantik sebagai pemangku Sultan dua jam sebelum kemangkatan ayahanda baginda. Baginda berjanji akan meneruskan pemerintahan almarhum ayandanya iaitu untuk menjaga kedaulatan negeri Johor dan rakyatnya.

Baginda Aalmarhum Sultan Iskandar akan di semadikan di Makam Di Raja pada jam 2 petang selepas solat zohor. Rakyat boleh datang memberikan penghormatan terakhir di Istana Besar dari jam 9 hingga 10:30 pagi manakan tetamu kehormat pada 11 pagi.

Marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah pada almarhum Sultan Iskandar Sultan Ismail.