Ads by Nuffnang

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wahai Lady Drivers.......

Bang, saya parking kat sini boleh?

Sebelum aku terus menulis entri nih, aku nak minta maaf pada para pembaca wanita terutama sekali pada ahli2 keluarga ku yang datang dari kaum berjiwa lembut ini. Entri kali ini hanyalah satu pandangan ikhlas dalam tinjauan sehari-harian...Ishhh...terlampau baku plak ayat mukadimah aku, takpe..kita teruskan.

Korang pernah tak masa tengah memandu tetiba tersangkut belakang satu kereta yang kita tak nampak kepala driver dia dari belakang (sebab rendah) atau kereta tu pulak cam kejap kiri kejap kanan ataupun driver dia pegang steering cam bantal peluk busuk dia? Mesti ada yang tahu dan pernah terkena kan? Aku selalu jugak terkena. Benda-benda ini boleh buat aku sampai buat rasa nak cabut aje rambut yang ada kat kepala aje. Kesimpulan pertama aku buat mestilah......"mesti lady driver nih". Sampaikan isteri aku pun cakap benda yang sama.

Tak baiklah camtu makcik...cucu tengah tengok tuhh

Aku tahu mesti ada pembaca wanita tengah geleng kepala. Tahap bengang pun sedang slowly meningkat. Rasa nak reply panas aje kan. Baguslah. Aku pun nak juga tahu respon korang. Tapi itulah hakikatnya. Memang pemandu lelaki kekadang drive dangerous & laju. Tapi selalunya yang drive camtu samada memang betul- betul skillful ataupun memang betul-betul takde otak. Species kedua tu boleh diabaikan aje. Memang takdak akal punya orang.

Yang selalu aku pernah tengok ada lady drivers yang pakai make-up sambil driving. Ada yang ber-sms dan yang paling best berborak sampai lupa tengah driving dan ada yang sesat. Ini memang aku pernah terkena. Borak punya borak sampai terlajak pergi ke Seremban. Padahal nak pergi Putrajaya aje. Apalagi, kenalah buat U-turn besar. Aku masa tu tengah membuta kat backseat. Aku dah offer nak drive tapi diorang berdua yang nak juga drive.

So, itulah pandangan aku tentang lady drivers. Bila aku nampak aje tanda-tanda lady driver, pasti aku berhati-hati.

Kalau Lady Drivers buat annual meeting, mungkin macam inilah rupanya...hmm

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Introducing the KFC Zinger Tower Burger

KFC Zinger Tower Crunch Combo

Lately, my wife have been craving for KFC, well in particular the KFC Zinger Tower Burger. The older generation always say to try meet those pregnant woman cravings as long as they are reasonable. Well, KFC is reasonable enough except when it is craved on a daily basis. Kopak wooo..

So, last weekend during our weekly dating nights my wife bought me my first KFC Tower Zinger (after telling me for the whole week how she loved the burger).  Lets just say when I go to KFC, burgers are the last thing I think of having. Well, I'll make an exception for her sake.

We had the Zinger Tower Combo. When you pay RM 10.50 for the  Zinger Tower Crunch Combo meal, you will get the Zinger Tower Burger, 7 UP Revive and Chacho's corn chips with dip. I love chips and dips. Hey, they rhyme.

Zinger Tower being a little shy

The KFC Zinger Tower Burger is made of fresh lettuce, zinger chicken fillet, cheese, hash browns, zesty chili lime sauce with two soft sesame buns. This Zinger Tower somewhat changed my opinion on KFC burgers. The hash brown crumbled when you bite into it, the zinger fillet is juicy and just about right. The zesty lime sauce made it all come together.

The Zinger Tower is about to be devoured by a champion

My wife couldn't make the whole burger to fit her mouth. So, she divided it into two pieces. Well, for me being a burger & sandwich lover, took the whole burger in one piece and savoured the taste. Champion.

Eventhough KFC still cannot overtake the other burger establishments in the burger/sandwich stakes, the Zinger Tower shows me that they are in the right direction.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Avatar The Movie

I finally got the chance to watch the most talked about movie in town, Avatar The Movie. Various reviews and comments have been made about this sci-fi movie directed by James Cameron. He was also responsible for Titanic being the largest grossing movie in history. So, I won't go into detail about the movie.

If an animated CGI movie was ever get hooked on cocaine, steroids and heroine, then Avatar The Movie is it. A modest and intriguing storyline with a well written script. The CGI and animation is out of this world.

I won't mind to sit for another screening. This time I might try the 3D version. Definitely the best movie of 2009.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lotus F1 Classic Car

Lotus 38 1966 Indianapolis 500

I won this beauty at The Tune Group 1st Inaugural Annual Dinner held at Modestos Hartamas last Friday. I am working with Tune Talk (, so that explains me being there in the first place.There were 120 prizes on offer for the 130 Tune Group staff that attended the dinner. I was gunning for 1 of the 3 notebooks on offer, or even the iPhone 3GS. Heck, if I get the 50 inch LCD TV, I won't be complaining. Duhh..

But I knew somehow I will get this Lotus 38 car. Let me tell you a bit about this car.

There are only 1,200 pieces of this model made in the whole world. So, I feel a bit special because I am one of those lucky people. It's currently worth almost RM 2,000 and if I keep it in good condition, I can get more through auctioning it. It's apparently a collectors item.

This prize was given by the Lotus F1 Team Malaysia people. They were also there at the dinner as the team is also a part of the Tune Group Family headed by Dato Seri Tony Fernandez. He was also there during the dinner.

I'll leave you with more pictures of this beautiful model.


Yeah!!! Bo Is A Nerd Is Back In Business

Yes! Alhamdulillah. Finally I got back my Streamyx after huffing & puffing and also after much noise been made at TM Point and TM 100 numbers.

All this while blogging & visiting fellow blogger's sites were done at the office in between jobs. Not really can get into the groove.

After a whole week of chaos created by those "brilliant" people at TM (they terminated my Streamyx account...WTF!!...I did not do anything wrong), I got back my beloved Streamyx.

Let the blogging and blogwalking begin!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tak Habis-Habis Dengan Streamyx

Case aku dengan Streamyx masih belum selesai.

Aku telah pergi ke TM Point Shah Alam Seksyen 11 dan bertanya kenapa masih belum dapat connection Streamy walaupun sudah di janjikan sambungan dalam 24 jam. Jawapan yang di terima.....jeng jeng jeng.

"Kami dah e-mail Technical Department lah encik. Tapi masih belum dapat reply dari sana".

Aku tersengih sinis & terus tanya balik,

"Habis tu cik, saya nak kena pergi ke technical department dan cari orang yang bertanggungjawab ke? Bukan ke awak sendiri tadi kata TM yang tersilap potong & tutup akaun Streamyx saya tu. Saya boleh aje hantar e-mail rungutan pada MCMC (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia) kalau cik nak saya buat macam tu".

Terus gelabah pegawai customer care tu. Selepas di janjikan akan di sambung semula, aku pun keluar dari TM Point tu & gerak pergi office.

Masa kat office pulak, ada orang TM telefon cakap suruh call number hotline Streamyx untuk pengesahan (verification call) kerja penyambungan. Di sebabkan TM hanya benarkan panggilan pengesahan di lakukan guna telefon rumah atau land lines.

Aku pun minta ayahku yang ada di rumah untuk lakukan panggilan. Selepas sejam, ayah ku telefon balik. "Ayah nak pergi letup TM Point jap lagi. Customer care officer dia cabar ayah buat report pada TM. Siap bagi nama dia and contact number lagi. Dia kata kerja tu only buat dalam masa 3 hari bekerja."

Kalau korang masih ingat, orang TM tadi janji within 24 hours kan? Apalah nak jadi dengan TM nih. Hampeh.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Streamyx Buat Pasal Lagi...Ni Yang Rasa Nak Tukar Ke WIMAX

 Stay With TM Streamyx


 Start Relationship Baru Dengan P1 WIMAX

Pertama, aku nak minta maaf pada rakan-rakan bloggers sebab tak dapat melawat kesemua blogs korang. Reason aku tak dapat blogwalking ke blog korang sebab aku baru dapat tahu weekend lepas yang pihak Streamyx dengan bijaknya telah tersilap menamatkan account aku walaupun aku pelanggan tetap mereka sejak tahun 2003.

Aku salah sorang pelanggan yang ambil pakej RM66 sebulan + free modem ZTE (rosak selepas 3 bulan pakai) masa tahun 2003. Sekarang rate aku masih RM 66/sebulan dan speed aku 1MB (itu kata TM,tak tahulah betul ke tak).

Hari Jumaat malam, aku nak blogwalking cam biasa, tengok-tengok tak boleh. Nasib baik aku ada CELCOM Broadband aku. Boleh lah walkabout blog korang sikit-sikit walaupun slow. Sabtu pagi aku call Custome Service TM Streamyx. Selepas checking semua, derang kata account aku di tamatkan atau "churn" (bahasa telcos).

Reason di tamatkan sebab akaun dah lama tak pakai. Aku cakap aku still guna sampai pagi Jumaat tu and last payment aku pada 23 December tahun lepas i.e 2009.  Takkan aku bayar untuk something yang aku tak pakai. Akhirnya, derang janji akan sambung within 2-4 jam pada sabtu.

Sampai sekarang, aku masih lagi tak dapat signal streamyx. So, kejap lagi aku nak gi terjah Streamyx sekali lagi. Kasi dentum satu kali. Bye.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Anugerah Juara Lagu 2010

Kali terakhir aku betul-betul ambil kisah tentang Anugerah Juara Lagu kat TV3 ni KRU masih lagi menyanyi. Lagu AWAS rasanya. Yang dia ada perform guna api tu. Hebat. Betul-betul lama tu sampai adik beradik tu pun dah tak menyanyi and dah bergerak buat hal-hal lain dah.

Aku follow dulu-dulu pun sebab tiap-tiap tahun mesti ada band rock kapak masuk bertanding. Mega, Fotograf, Ekamatra, Blackrose dan macam-macam lagilah. Tapi sejak rock kapak beralih ke rock leleh, aku dah malas nak ikut dah.

Tapi sejak kebelakangan ini, aku agak intrigue atau tertanya-tanya dengan AJL 2010 (pergghh..aku tahu singkatan dia dah). Mungkin sebab wife aku yang peminat setia Faizal Tahir (dia bertanding dengan lagu Bencinta rasanya) asyik bercerita & tanya-tanya kat aku boleh ke FT menang? FT? Fedaral Territory ke? Ataupun mungkin sebab promo clip AJL 2010 yang bersiaran sekarang agak kreatif.

Tahun ini AJL akan ada 3 pengacara. Faisal Ismail (Hot FM) & Cheryl Samad memang pengacara tetap Juara Lagu mingguan (ini wife aku cerita) dan derang akan di temani oleh Ally Iskandar. Promo TV3 ini boleh tahan kelakar sebab TV3 cuba potray cinta 3 segi tengah berlaku. Kalau ada yang tak pernah tengok, boleh refer pada video bawah ini.

Apa-apa pun besar kemungkinan aku tak dapat tengok pun AJL 2010 ini sebab aku bermain futsal NATS Futsal Sunday yang memang ada setiap hari ahad ( Wife aku memang nak aku keluar berfutsal supaya dia boleh conquer TV sorang-sorang.

Btw, kalau tahun ni punya AJL aku menyokong Yuna & maybe another band, wife aku pulak memang all out untuk Faizal Tahir. 

Korang pulak?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yes! Glitterati Status Restored...Thank You Nuffnang!

In my previous post, I blogged about my Glitterati status was changed to an Ordinary Member (Non Exclusive). I was not really downbeat about it. But just felt that I would lose out on opportunities to get the benefits of a Glitterati member. Immediately, I tried to get to the bottom of it.

After reading through some previous postings done by other bloggers, one of the reasons that a Glitterati status of a member can be revoke is if "a blog that has Nuffnang advertisements on it remains dormant for a certain time without any visitors or unique visitors, the Glitterati status can be revoked".

So, I checked my dashboard to see if I have old blogs that I haven't been updating. Yup, I got one really, really old blog that I created and totally forgot about. After deleting it from the Blog Manager at Nuffnang, I just waited to see what happened.

Then, I saw this...........

Yes!!!! Glitterati status re-instated. I guess Nuffnang was just giving their tough love to me. Work hard and you get rewarded. Be lame, take the shame. 

Thanks Nuffnang for making me a Glitterati member again.

Nuffnang Glitterati Status Di Tarik Balik....apakah?

Pagi ini aku seperti biasa aku check akaun Nuffnang untuk tengok kalau ada updates for earnings. Takde. Takpelah, mungkin sebab cui panjang tahun baru.

Tapi perkara yang buat aku sedikit terkedu ialah bertukarnya status Nuffnang Glitterati aku kepada Ordinary Member (Non Exclusive). Setahu aku, hanya Nuffnang sahaja yang aku letak pada Bo Is A Nerd site ini. Nak kata dormant, tiap-tiap hari aku update (tipu sikit) and ada aje visitors (ini aku tak tipu).

Ada perbezaan juga pada status Glitterati & Ordinary member. Ordinary Member tak boleh post pada Innit @ Nuffnang. Glitterati boleh.

Nilai ads Nuffnang juga, Glitterati member lebih tinggi nilainya. Yang lain-lain seperti dijemput pergi ke screening or product launch aku tak berapa heran sebab tahu takkan dapat (gila2 pessimist).

Di harapkanlah pihak Nuffnang dapat kembalikan status itu dalam minggu ini. Kalau tidak, life goes on. Keep on blogging!

P/S: Kalau ada sesiapa yang ada information atau advise untuk dapatkan semula status Glitterati tu, silalah tinggalkan komen. Aku juga akan update jika ada perkembangan. Mungkin ini boleh di jadikan teladan bersama.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Khemah Versus Dewan

Ok! Musim bertandang ke majlis perkahwinan pun sudah selesai. Tapi sebenarnya tak juga sebab masih lagi ada yang melangsungkan perkahwinan pada musim bukan cuti sekolah. Dalam bulan ini sahaja, aku ada 3 lagi majlis yang kena pergi. Nasib baik semua dekat-dekat.

Tapi takpelah. Entri aku kali ini aku buat setelah pemerhatian selama sebulan aku pergi ziarah & menjamah majlis kahwin dari utara hingga selatan Malaysia. Naik gak dekat 4 kilo aku ni setelah habis semua majlis aku pergi.

Aku just nak tanya pada followers Bo Is A Nerd (itupun kalau ada yang baca). Majlis kahwin mana yang korang prefer? Majlis kahwin yang di buat didepan rumah yang menggunakan khemah dan meja-meja yang di letakkan di atas jalan..... ATAU .....Majlis kahwin yang di adakan di dewan-dewan atau hotel-hotel.

Kita cuba tgk setiap satu majlis ini dgn lebih mendalam. (ayat skema)



  • Family senang berkumpul kalau majlis di buat di rumah. Lepas tu kalau jiran-jiran semua kalau jenis baik/semangat berjiran dia kuat, boleh lah bergotong royong. Dah saving kat situ. Boleh juga tunjuk kecantikan rumah, kalau rumah orang tu pun cantik.

  • Kebanyakan kawan2 & saudara mara mudah nak jumpa kalau pernah datang rumah. Yang tak permah tu pandai2lah guna map yang ada pada kad jemputan.

  • Pengantin nak "freshen up" pun senang. Naik bilik, solat, tukar baju ke. Tapi jangan tak turun balik ke majlis sudah. Manalah tahu tak tahan ke kan....

  • Rasa less formal. Tak perlu bersudu garfu dan jaga sangat etika makan walupun kena gak maintain bab etika makan tu. Nanti orang cap gelojoh pulak.

  • Kena tutup jalan. Kalau area kejiranan yang tak bersemangat berjiran tu, susah lah sikit. Mesti ada yang marah, takpun menngumpat dalam senyap..ish ish ish ish.

  • Terbuka pada risiko cuaca yang tak menentu. Kekadang kalau panas pun tak best juga nak makan sebab bila makan, peluh pun berjerih-jerih turun. Kalau hujan pulak, faham2 lah betapa tak selesa.

  • Kekurangan tempat duduk disebabkan orang suka lepak lama-lama dan tak pandai nak bawa diri.

  • Selepas majlis selesai & saudara mara dah balik, tuan rumah kenalah mengadap mengemas rumah. Kekadang proses ini boleh mengambil masa sampai seminggu ataupun lebih. Ada juga yang tak recover-recover juga.



  • Selalunya majlis di dewan pakai catering services. Semua makanan & perhiasan dewan tak perlu di bimbangkan sangat. Cuma perlu supervision from tuan majlis (tuan rumah).

  • Terlindung dari cuaca panas dan hujan yang tak menentu. Ada sesetengah dewan ada parking berbumbung seperti Dewan Bankuet MBSA kat Shah Alam tu.

  • Jumlah yang hadir boleh di control. Ini kalau majlis jenis "sit down". Ini boleh menjimatkan kos dari segi kad jemputan dan makanan.

  • Tetamu boleh makan dengan selesa walapun adakalanya ada juga dewan yang kurang selesa di sebabkan perkara-perkara lain


  • Pengantin tak dapat untuk "freshen up" sebab lokasi dewan agak jauh. Kalau hotel, mungkin dah sewa bilik. Soal lainlah tu ye.

  • Tak dapat nak tunjuk rumah kepada yang datang.

  • Rasa formal sebab almaklumlah buat dalam dewan, tertib makan kenalah lebih sikit. Nanti ada pulak yang pandang.

  • Parking kereta mungkin kena bayar. Ini mungkin akan meyusahkan tetamu. Sebab tu kekadang aku tak bagi hadiah best-best sangat sebab dah tahu kena bayar bagai.

  • Majlis "sit down" yang terlalu panjang dan meleret-leret boleh juga menjadikan para tetamu bosan. Nanti ada pulak yang keluar dewan sebelum majlis tamat & tinggallah meja-meja yang kosong.

Itu adalah sikit-sikit baik & buruk mengadakan majlis kahwin di rumah dan di dewan/hotel. Apa-pun, di mana saja majlis diadakan, hendaklah tengok pada bajet kewangan dan keinginan diri atau "preference".

Perkahwinan itu adalah salah satu sunah Rasul. Ia sepatutnya amat mudah dan jangan biarkan perkara-perkara material & sampingan menjadikan ia susah.

So, mana satu pilihan anda? Dewan atau khemah?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Credit to Lembaga Pungutan Zakat Selangor

As a muslim, we are always told to pay our dues or zakat (zakat pendapatan & zakat harta) in order to cleanse our income, savings and property. Zakat is the Islamic way to contribute to the poor and unfortunate through paying to the proper channels & authorities. Another good thing about paying your zakat pendapatan is that it is a tax deductable item when you do your tax returns in April. This is provided that you pay it before 31st December 2009.

So, I went to pay my zakat on the last day (31st Dec 2009), as usual. Procrastinating is bad, I know. The Lembaga Zakat Selangor office is just a 5 minute drive from my place, so I dropped by on my way to work anticipating for at least 1 hour of waiting before being able to pay my zakat.

Bangunan front of Masjid Negeri Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah

To my surprise, I drove in, parked my car, took my number and paid my zakat in only 20 minutes. That is even taking into account the pleasant lady staff helping me calculate how much I needed to pay. She was very calm and helpful eventhough the place was full of people.

Complaints and bad reviews are always what we hear when people deal with government or in this case local authorities. But I am giving two thumbs up to the people at Lembaga Pungutan Zakat Selangor (LPZS) for their efficiency and service with a smile approach. I hope I will get the same treatment when I deal with another government branch in the future.

Where Did You Went Wrong With Your Blog?

Not You....But Your Blog Do Suck..Big Time!!

You check your traffic and what you see are pathetic numbers that even make your grandmother be ashamed to look at you or even disown you as her grandson. There must be a reason why you are not getting more readers and I mean quality readers & followers.

Most of the reasons maybe because of the following reasons, so pay attention.

Reason 1: You Copy and Paste
People call this "content syndicating". This is when you copy & past lame articles from site such as or for example. You shouldn't being doing this you schmuck. Come up with some original content and get real.

Reason  2: You Can't Write To Save Your Life
I am not talking about your content. It is awesome even (unless you did Reason no 1, then you're back to being a schmuck). Your writing is littered with mispelled words, typos, wrongly using or not using reading marks and other mistakes.

This shows you give a rats behind about your readers. You don't care that they'll be scratching their heads trying to figure out the words you are trying to say. You just want to meet your daily posting quota. You schmuck (I really like that word).

Reason 3: You Post Once A Week (or even ONCE a month....damn!)
Your readers would not be coming running reading your blog if you can't even update it at least 2 or 3 times a week. So, get your brain juices running and blog and blog some more.

Reason 4: Having Less is Sometimes Better
You don't need to have different type of colors for each word in your post. Keep the colors to a minimum and your readers would thank you for it.

Reason 5: You Already Have A Clock and Calender on Your Windows Desktop......USE IT!!!
It annoys me when I open a blog and see a clock, a calender and what other none sense on it. When you put too much widgets on your blog, it will be heavy and making uploading slow for your readers. This applies to blog templates too.

You see this at the right bottom of your screen? Use it!

Reason 6: Your Favourite Tune Made Me Spilled My Drink
I hate it when I open a site and then "Oops I did it again" started blaring like mad and made me spill my coffee. If you really want to put your favourite song on your site, please not Autoplay it. If we wanna listen to it, we'll play it. Kapish? Good.

Reason 7: Your Blog Is Boring
There. I have said it. Write for your readers if you want traffic and returing readers.

Reason 8: I Can't Find Anything Here
Just put an archive function, a label function or a search box. Ditch the clock and calender and put them in instead.

Reason 9: Put Some Pictures in and Don't Forget to Put in Some Paragraphs While You're At It Will You
Words, words and more words. Put in one or two pictures to rest your readers eyes. Visual aids would help alot.

Don't forget to paragraph your postings. We don't want to read endless of never ending words eventhough it's interesting.

Reason 10: Your Template Looks Like That Other Blog I Saw Before

Try to create a unique look to your blog. The template mught be simple but a few widgets (no clocks, no calenders) or pictures might spruce it up a bit.

So, is your blog have any of these? If it does, then do something about it. But whatever it is, keep on chugging....umm..I mean blogging.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Hello family, friends, readers & followers,

Lets welcome the new year and make the best of it and get things done this year.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009.......Bring on 2010!

Year 2010 is almost here and with it a comes new challenges and experiences to look forward to. But year 2009 is the year that will always be the one that I will always cherish and remember. Let's review what happened to me in 2009.

Getting Engaged (14th December 2008)

Yeah..yeah. I know this did not happen in 2009 but this is my year review, so back off. I got engaged to a beautiful and intelligent young lady by the name of Noor Azhani Bini Shamsudin. We were office mates at Shell Shared Service Centre Kuala Lumpur.

We decided to get engaged after a very short dating period (very very short) and the engagement itself was a small family affair. It was simple but memorable with all the family around us.

Goodbye Shell, Here I Come Tune Talk! (20th April 2009)
I decided to quit working at Shell Shared Service Centre Kuala Lumpur after almost 3 years there. This is where I met my future wife, gained new experiences, made memories and also friends. However,  it was time to move on and I think it was also time for me to grow career wise.

Hi Tune Talk (5th May 2009)

After leaving Shell, I am now at Tune Talk. A young and upcoming mobile telecommunications company that will be a major player in the mobile phone network game. I am at the right place and at the right time to be part of a pioneer group of people in bringing up this company.

This is where I think I would be able to grow more in terms of my career and also as a person. Hopefully, all my plans and hopes for Tune Talk will become true.

Getting Married to Noor Azhani Binti Shamsudin (24th July 2009)

I waved goodbye to my bachelor years and opened my heart and life to Noor Azhani Binti Shamsudin, my wife. After 7 months of being engaged, we got married.

It was a very hectic and busy yet beautiful and memorable weekend in my life. It started off with the akad nikah at Azhani's place and adding to the pressure of it all, the akad was done by her dad. It was intense and nerve wrecking. But at the end of it, I got through it. At one go ONLY!!!

The two receptions at Bangi (Azhani's side) and Shah Alam (my side) was tiring but very beautiful to us. We did not feel the strain of it all as we were having the time of our life. Thank you to every one that came and also to my family that worked hard to make it happen.

Azhani is Pregnant (6th September 2009)
It was only 6 weeks after we became husband and wife. We did planned to start having a family off the bat. The news that my wife was pregnant brought excitement that I will become a dad in 2010. Insya'Allah.This is the main reason I can't wait for 2010 to come.

Our First Hari Raya together (23rd September 2009)
Last year, I celebrated Hari Raya as a single man. But this year I have someone to share the day with. I have a new family and although I miss celebrating the 1st day of Hari Raya at Taiping but that is just a small thing to miss after looking at the bigger picture. Celebrating Aidilfitri morning at Bangi then going back to Taiping right after Raya prayers. Nice.

I know I did not mention a lot of what happened in 2009 that affected the whole world like the passing of Michael Jackson but these events were the one that I will cherish most in 2009.

So, goodbye 2009 and here we come 2010...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vampire Joke (In The Spirit of New Moon)

Two vampires walked in into a vampire bar.

First vampire ordered a glass of blood. But the second vampire ordered some hot water.

Vampire 1: What are you drinking? Hot water??

Vampire 2: I'm having tea. (While pulling out a bloody tampon from his pocket and putting it into his hot water)