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Monday, April 5, 2010

Dulu lain, sekarang lain....

Dulu masa kecik-kecik, duduk kat kampung memang senang nak cari benda nak isi masa lapang. Mesti ada aje musim untuk setiap permainan. Dulu yang aku ingat aku memang enjoy main macam lawan gasing, rounders, chopping, perang layang-layang, guli, lala dan kekadang terselit gak aktiviti memancing takpun pergi lubuk cari ikan laga. Apalagi, laga ikan lah. Bila dah besar sikit, baru tahu berdosa lawan ikan nih. Insaf, insaf.

Ikan siam bertarung

Yang paling aku teringat masa musing perang layang-layang, kalau yang lagi terer perang guna wau. Rangka layang-layang takde nak beli siap macam budak-budak sekarang. Dulu pi masuk hutan, cari buluh yang baik punya, aku tak ingat tali guna tali apa tapi aku ingat lagi kitorang pecahkan mentol sampai jadi serpih kecil. Bila dah cukup halus, salut tali layang-layang tu dengan serpih kaca tadi guna gam. Jangan gatal-gatal nak pegang tali tu, mesti tangan luka-luka.

Siapa kalah pi kutip balik layang-layang

Bila dah siap, apalagi, ajak lah perang dengan layang-layang geng lain. Lepas naikkan layang-layang, biar tali layang-layang bergesel sesama tali. Mula lah tarik layang-layang tu, bagi putus tali layang-layang lawan. Siapa terputus tu kalah lah. Kenalah kejar pergi kutip layang-layang tu. Pernah sekali layang-layang yang terputus tu masuk Balai Polis Kamunting. Takde siapa yang berani nak masuk. Polis ada pistol, takut geng.

Itulah pengalaman aku jadi budak kampung, main game yang simple tapi enjoyable. Bila aku tengok budak sekarang, ada yang tergantung PSP kat leher, takpun Gameboy, takpun ada PS3, XBox kat rumah. Takde nak keluar rumah, jumpa dan buat kawan-kawan baru.

Nanti bila baby boy aku dah cukup besar, aku mesti nak ajar dia game-game simple yang aku pernah main. Biar dia belajar having fun tak semestinya kena pakai banyak duit.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Fantasy Premier League for Week 33

I have done my transfers for this week. The big game between Manchester United & Chelsea I think would not give to much points to the Chelsea players that I have (Malouda & Drogba), but I will keep them for this week.

I have selected Carlos Tevez as my captain for this week seeing that he scored a hat-trick last week. Pavlyuchenko is my filler striker. Hope he gets points here and there.

Vermaelan comes back into my first 11 after sitting out last week due to suspension.
Only made 1 transfer for this week. Replaced Downing with Kranjcar.

Let me know how your team looks like for Week 33 & rate me team too.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tune Talk is now at 16 cents per minit FLAT Rate Nationwide!!!

Nope. This is not an April Fool's Joke!!!!

Tune Talk, the newest mobile network operator is offering the lowest FLAT rate of 16 cents to ALL Networks! Yup. ALL Networks!! You dont have to be part of a group of friends of 8 people, 15 people or whatever. You can make your calls to anyone and to any network at 16 cents per minute.

Previously, Tune Talk introduced its rates as the lowest rate in the country at 22 cents/minute and 5 cents per sms since its launch on 19th August 2009. Now, Tune Talk is doing one step better by offering its subscribers the lowest FLAT rate in the country to ANY network at 16 cents/minute and 5 cent/sms.
Tune Talk rides on Celcom network, so coverage is definitely nationwide and definitely not a problem. So, what are you waiting for. Get your Tune Talk number from Tune Talk's website or your nearest mobile dealer.

Now We're Talking!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm a little bit busy...

It has been a while since I've posted anything here. Not that I don't have any new topics to discuss but the quarterly accounts closing is really bumming me out and taking away my time from doing a decent posting.

So, bear with me people. You'll hear from me soon. I promise.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Macam omputih!!!

Park Ji Sung cam omputih! Mata sepet dia kantoi sikit.

Curi ayat adik aku si Braincellkilla

Macam omputih!!


Orang yang hisap rokok ni kaya ke?

Masa nak balik tadi, kontraktor aku call cakap nak duit sebab nak beli barang  lagi untuk kerja renovation rumah aku. Hadoi, macam tahu-tahu aje gaji nak keluar lagi dua hari. Takpelah, janji siap dan elok.

Bila cerita kat isteri aku masa dalam perjalanan balik tadi, dia jawab "Takpelah, rumah kita juga. Nasib baik juga awak tak hisap rokok. Kalau tidak mesti susah nak bayar".

Terfikir juga aku bila dengar ayat isteri aku tu. Macam mana orang yang hisap rokok ni punya bajet? Rokok tu setahu aku bukannya murah. Kekadang aku tengok kawan-kawan yang hisap rokok ni, baru menyala sikit dah buang. Kaya betul diorang nih.

So, betul ke orang yang hisap rokok ni kaya?

p/s: kalau betul pun orang hisap rokok ni kaya, aku sangguplah jadi miskin dari sakit-sakit.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Terkenang Zaman Muda-Muda Dulu

Gelak besar aku bila ada kawan lama sekolah rendah letak gambar masa aku darjah 4 kat SRK All Saint's Taiping. Rambut masing-masing punyalah skema kalau nak bandingkan dengan budak-budak sekolah rendah zaman sekarang.

Teringat masa time ni memang senang. Tak fikir nak kena buat semua benda yang aku kena buat sekarang. Dah besar, kenalah buat kan. Betul tak? Memang simple hidup time nih.

Memang aku akan simpan gambar ni nak tunjuk anak cucu nanti. Insya'Allah.

P/S: Aku yang paling atas belah kiri tu. Rambut sikit sepi tuh. Skema skema..

Lady Gaga a devil worshipper? (Lady Gaga pemuja syaitan?)

Lady Gaga is currently one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Outrageous costumes, performances and also those really catchy songs makes her one of the most influential and powerful figures in the music industry. Songs like "Red One", "Just Dance", Poker Face" and the latest "Bad Romance".

But have you guys ever watched Lady Gaga's videos? Her latest video for "Bad Romance" had a few subtle symbols and reference to the dark side. Okay, let's get straight to the point.

This video from youtube would explain more on this.

Maybe its just a coincidence or just a theory but it is already well known that music is know to be a vehicle for mind control, satan worshipping and other negative motives.

Just becareful to what you listen to and maybe its about time we really open up our eyes and not just our ears.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

TAY 1 - Plat Kereta Termahal Berharga RM 220,000

Okay. Bila aku baca dalam Utusan Online yang harga bagi plat kereta nombor "TAY 1" hampir buat aku tercekik telur rebus nasi lemak pagi tadi. Salah aku juga sebab cuba telan terus sebiji tapi memang tak logik kalau nak belanja duit sebanyak tu untuk plat kereta semata-mata.

Memanglah itu hak masing-masing kalau nak beli apa-apa sebab duit pun masing-masing. Kalau duit bukan masing-masing, bak mai sikit. Tengah kering nih. Aku boleh terbayangkan golong miskin dan daif yang menangis kalau diorang baca tentang perkara ini. Aku ada kena lkeluarga yang terpaksa hantar anak-anak masuk rumah anak yatim padahal kedua-dua ibu bapa masih ada. Sebab? Ibubapa tu tak mampu.

So, belanja tahap nih memang aku anggap tak logik dan buat aku fikir macam mana boleh aku sendiri menyumbang pada yang memerlukan. Insaf.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rabbit became the innocent victim in family feud

Poor rabbit, Bunny

This poor creature was the victim of a family feud when the disgruntled (& very cruel) daughter set the rabbit on fire. The daughter, Katey Barber, threw pieces of burning paper into the rabbit's hatch and was seen laughing and shouting "Look, the rabbit is running around on fire", before putting out the fire. The rabbit is owned by Katey's sister who is on vacation with their mother and her partner.

Horrified friends and family were swore at when they tried to intervene. Katey had earlier downed 5 cans of lager before setting fire on her mother's partners clothes and then setting fire to the rabbit's hatch.

The vet that attended to the rabbit named Bunny, says it is permanently scarred and is now is terrified of human contact. A part of its ear will also need to be amputated.
Katey Barber, an animal in human form

Barber could be jailed up to 6 months and fined 20,000 Pounds when she is sentenced on Tuesday. The punishment is not enough after what she had done to this poor animal.

If it were up to me, I would lit her up on fire and see how she likes it. Poor excuse of a human being.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Boss..Boss...Halal ka?


Aku       Bos... Bos...ini tempat makan halal ka? 
Mamak  Halal lah boss. Ini kan kedai mamak.
Aku      Betul ka bos? Macam mana boleh percaya?
Mamak Tarak percaya boleh pergi makan tempat lain lah. Ayoo..
Aku      Betul juga (cakap dalm hati)

Bukan boleh percaya sangat-sangat kekadang. Aku ingat lagi ada satu time aku dengan kawan-kawan pergi makan kat Al- Rafi Bistro Seksyen 13. Tanya mamak tu "Roti Wawasan apa ada dalam?" Dia boleh jawab pulak "Ada isi wawasan". Bantai gelak kitorang. So, kalau nak mencari wawasan, silalah makan Roti Wawasan kat Al-Rafi Bistro Seksyen 13.

Halal atau tidak restoran-retoran mamak ini buat aku tertanya-tanya sejak dapat email dari kawan-kawan forum  tentang kedai mamak kena rush kat Subang Jaya minggu lepas. Pegawai-pegawai JAIS pergi rush kedai tu sebab dapat tip kata kedai mamak tu pakai sijil halal palsu. Bila pegawai JAIS tanya pekerja situ untuk mengucap dua kalimah syahadah, maka terkantoilah penipuan pemilik kedai tu, sebab pekerja "mamak" tu terkebil-kebil je tak tahu menjawab. Apa yang di ucapkan pun tak boleh di fahami dalam bahasa arab, parsi mahupun tamil.

Macam mana kita nak tahu kedai mamak tu memang betul-betul mamak yang halal? Macam mana nak tahu dia sediakan makanan tu secara halal? Bahan-bahan yang di gunakan juga halal? 

Dalam kes serbuan yang aku dapat ni, ada penduduk area situ macam syak tanda halal kat restoran tu tak sah. Memang betul pun tak sah. Maka, kena samanlah kedai mamak tu dan di suruh cabut tanda halal tipu tu.

Aku mengaku aku pergi makan atau minum atau kedua-duanya sekali (mestilah makan & minum) kat kedai mamak. Tapi aku cuba juga untuk selidik sikit sebelum aku pergi suatu mamak. Kalau aku rasa was-was, memang aku tak pergi, kalau takpun order air tin aje.

So, berhati-hatilah bila korang nak pergi layan cheese naan tandoori ke. nasi beriyani Bukhara ke sebab mungkin apa yang kita makan tu tak halal. Ingat, apa yang kita makan akan menjadi darah daging kita. Berhati-hati.

Cheese naan tandoori

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Staying put or just move out?

A close dear friend of mine, Zulkarnain ( is planning to migrate to the Land Down Under, Australia most probably in May. He will be bringing his wife and kids away to another country due to being unhappy with some issues that are happening in our country.

Bad politics, people's working habits, worker's efforts not being recognized, the rising cost of living yet income still remains the same are some of the issues that have rubbed Zul the wrong way. I tend to empathize with his feelings and see where he is coming from. I also have plans to experience life working overseas once I complete my chartered accounting studies. But I don't think it would be to the extent to gain PR status in another country.

I know where Zul is coming from but it's hard for me to see me moving away from Malaysia. I cannot imagine celebrating Hari Raya without my parents and relatives around. I cannot imagine not playing NATS Sunday Futsal or not going on trips with my friends. How about the array of Malaysian food  that just make your mouth water by just thinking about it? Never. No nasi lemak, no nasi kerabu? Hell no!

Come on....!!! Are you kidding me??

NATS Sunday Futsal

I really hope that Zul changes his mind on this and soldier on with the rest of us. But whatever his decision is going to be, we'll still be tight and insya'Allah, my wife, I & kids will surely try to visit you guys down there. But for now, I'll continue to carry on in Malaysia. Like the old Malay proverb goes:

Hujan emas di negeri orang, 
hujan batu di negeri sendiri, 
lebih baik di negeri sendiri.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pelajar Mesir UTP Biadap patut hantar aje balik!

Hujung minggu lepas ada aku baca berita dalam salah satu akhbar tempatan tentang tukang kasut di Tronoh, Perak (berdekatan kampus Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)) yang kena belasah oleh 10 - 12 orang pelajar Mesir di kedai makan. Sebab si tukang kasut kena belasah? Pelajar Mesir tu tak berpuas hati dengan caj yang di kenakan oleh si tukang kasut.

Kisah bermula bila pelajar biadab tu singgah di kedai untuk perbetulkan kasut dia. Bila dia tanya pada tukang kasut tu, berapa untuk betulkan dua pasang kasut, tukang kasut pun cakap RM 30 iaitu RM 15 untuk sepasang. Pelajar Mesir tu pun cakap mahal & minta harga repair kasut tu jadi RM 20 aje. Tukang kasut pun tak setuju & minta pelajar tu pergi ke kedai berdekatan. 

Ini kot kasut yang pelajar biadab tu nak repair?

Mungkin sebab kedai tu pun kenakan bayaran yang sama, dia datang semula ke kedai si tukang kasut & minta tukang kasut repair kasut dia dengan caj RM 20 juga. Si tukang kasut masih tak setuju, maka keluarlah kata-kata kesat dari mulut pelajar Mesir tu sehingga di ucapkannya "Fuck you Malaysia!". Si tukang kasut sudah hilang sabar & menarik tangan pelajar tersebut  & minta dia minta maaf atas kata-kata biadab itu.
Pelajar biadab tu beredar tetapi membuat U turn dan mengeluarkan isyarat lucah & mengugut akan datang semula untuk "mengajar" si tukang kasut.

Dua hari kemudian, pelajar kurang ajar itu datang bersama 10 orang teman yang lain mula memukul si tukang kasut & teman tukang kasut semasa mereka berdua sedang makan di satu restoran dekat kedai tukang kasut (kawasan Taman Maju, Seri Iskandar). Lagi best, takde sorang pun penduduk tempatan cuba untuk membantu sebelum si tukang kasut * rakan pergi dapatkan rawatan di Hospital Changkat Melintang.

Nak tambah lagi best cerita ini, pengurusan UTP datang berjumpa si tukang kasut pada malam si tukang membuat laporan polis untuk menarik balik laporan kerana tidak mahu hal ini di perbesarkan.

Patut hantar balik aje pelajar-pelajar Mesir tu dan pengurusan UTP pula patut malu kerana cuba menutup perkara ini dari tersebar. Pelajar-pelajar kurang ajar tu datang ke Malaysia di atas scholarship Petronas dan buat benda macam ini? Hantar balik aje.

Petikan berita di sini

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pekan Rabu @ Wednesday Town

On the way back from a relative's wedding reception, the family made a quick stop at Pekan Rabu in Alor Setar, Kedah.Pekan Rabu is not exactly a pekan (town) as itself, but it is situated in the Alor Setar town. Opened in 1978, traders used to do their trading with no walls before the existence of Pekan Rabu . Did you know that Tun Dr. Mahathir used to be one of the traders there?

You can find all kind of stuff like cakes, kuih muih, serundings (chicken/beef floss), spices and also stalls selling food & drinks. My dear wife had a field day at Pekan Rabu. In just 10 minutes, she bought two big bags full of knick knacks. Seeing that she is already 8 months pregnant, so I let it slide this time.

Pekan Rabu is one of Malaysia's local and foreign tourist attractions. Maybe air-conditioning or improving air circulation of Pekan Rabu should be the next step in making it more comfortable for visitors and traders alike.

Will surely stop by Pekan Rabu the next time I'm in Kedah.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nak drive pergi Sg Petani...tapi tak tidur lagi!

Kejap lagi nak drive pergi Sg Petani untuk menghadirkan diri ke majlis kahwin sedara. Benda tu takde masalah kan? Yang menjadi masalahnya ialah jam tunjuk 2:17 pagi tapi aku tak tidur lagi. Yang paling bestnya, kena bangun pukul 5 pagi untuk bertolak sebelum subuh (berhenti solat subuh on the way) dan aku yang mungkin kena drive.

Adoih! Macam mana nak tidur kalau rasa tak mengantuk? Kira kambing? Kira cicak?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Getting electricity into your home.

How many of you guys know the process to get electricity into your home? Most house developers get this done for you but what if you recently bought a house and need to get power into your new home. Let me tell you how because I can proudly say that now I am a house owner. Yup, I bought a house. (Applause).

There are a few things that you need to do & have before you visit Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Make sure you visit the Kedai Tenaga that is nearest to the house you want the electricity put into.

Sale & Purchase Agreement
First thing you need is the Sale & Purchase Agreement (S&P or some people call it SPA). This document is the agreement between you (buyer) and seller. It states that you agree to purchase the house from the seller. Basically, TNB wants to see this document so that it is proof that you own the house.
Get the S&P copied (photostated, is this correct?). First step done!

Photocopy IC
This is a must for most of these type of processes. Get one copy of your I/c done and make sure both sides (front and back) are done.

Application Form
You can get the forms from your nearest Kedai Tenaga for free. Fill up the details as stated on the form. Leave the parts that you are not sure about and ask about them when you want to submit the forms.

You need to put a deposit when you apply because TNB wants to cover any losses if let say you did not pay your bill. I am not sure how much you need to prepare. The deposit is based on how big is your house. Meaning that, the bigger your house, the larger the deposit.

My advice is to just bring RM 1000 to be safe. I only paid RM 240 for mine.

Stamp Hasil
Lastly, buy two Stamp Hasil @ RM 10 each from the post office. Bring this together when submitting the forms.

So, those are the things that you need to have to get the power in your house. Easy enough huh?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Al Fatihah Untukmu Wahai Kawanku

Al Fatihah aku sedekahkan pada kawan ku, Mohd Shukor Tahir yang telah menyahut seruan Illahi pada hari Khamis, 25hb Februari 2010

Semoga roh saudaraku ini di tempatkan di kalangan mereka yang beriman. Amin.


Read more in Berita Harian~

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bahasa Melayu or English to Blog?

Aku buat pemerhatian trafik ke blog aku ini, kalau aku buat entry dalam bahasa Melayu, ramai juga yang tinggalkan komen. Bila banyak komen yang di tinggalkan (takdelah banyak mana, lebih dari 5 pun dah cukup bagus) bermakna ramai yang baca. Tapi bila aku buat posting dalam English, kurang pulak komen yang dapat bermakna tak ramai yang berminta membaca. Mungkin juga sebab entri aku tu membosankan untuk di baca, tak tahulah.

So, aku decide untuk selang seli between posting dalam bahasa Melayu & English. Kadang-kadang aku buat bahasa rojak atau mix both languages. Maybe some people akan kata merosakkan bahasa, tetapi aku tak berapa setuju dengan pendapat tu. As long as apa yang aku nak get across di fahami, then good enough untuk aku.

 Bahasa rojak ke rojak buah lagi sedap?

Aku jarang jumpa bloggers Melayu yang totally blog dalam English. Adik aku blog guna English & dia nak tutup blog dia ( sebab katanya tak ada yang nak baca. Ada juga aku cakap pada dia kalau nak get more readers, kenalah tukar berblogging dalam bahasa Melayu. 

Pada aku, jika kita blogging in English, kita ada peluang untuk dapat readers from outside Malaysia. Blogging dalam English pun boleh tolong kita improve pemahaman English dalam hidupan harian dan bukan aje dalam kelas atau di sekolah.

Pernah tak korang fikir macam tu? So, apa pendapat kawan-kawan bloggers tentang bahasa dalam berblogging?? Bahasa Melayu? English? Suka hati bahasa apa nak di guna??

P/s: Minta maaf jika rojak bahasa yang aku buat ni tak berapa sedap. Kuah rojak tak cukup pedas kot?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Burger Hunt: Carl's Jr Charbroiled Burgers @ One Utama Damansara

 Carl's Jr. One Utama Damansara

My wife & I went to One Utama Damansara yesterday to start shopping for baby stuff. Got to get the shopping done before she gets too big (she is already quite pregnant now, 7 months to be exact) and it's in a nice way of bigness (is there such a word?). We took some time out for lunch and the wife being a virgin to Carl's Jr, so we headed that way. Which way? Carl's Jr lah wei...hehehe...yeah, lame joke. Tough crowd.

This is my second trip to Carl's Jr (first was at Mid Valley, thanks to Hanafi) and the wife's first, so she took quite a while to "study" the menu. Finally, she decided on the Chicken Crispy Combo (RM 17.20) and I tried the Portobello Mushroom Combo (RM 22.90). I got an additional 10% discount using my UOB One credit card, great! 

free refills....i like!!!

They gave us our order number (to be put on the table) and told us to wait for our orders to be sent to our table. The funny thing was, the person sending our order had to wait for us because both of us took our sweet time to fill up our drinks at the drinks station.
Crispy Chicken & Portobello Mushroom
The burgers were juicy and fresh but a little bit smaller than the last time I remember. Carl's Jr fries could give McDonald's fries a run for their money. I particularly like the free refills that are not limited to just Coca Cola (like McDonald's).

The wife could not contain herself for her first bite and I just managed to get a shot in.

See how big her smile is....

Back to the burgers, my words won't do them justice. So, here they are.

Will surely come again to Carl's Jr. to try out the other burgers, sandwiches and the intriguing Chili.

Terbukti!!! Tajuk sensasi memainkan peranan. Posting di Innit @ Nuffnang

Aku saja bukak innit@nuffnang sebab nak baca-baca entri yang terbaru. Aku suka tengok-tengok kat sini untuk belajar cara berblogging untuk naikkan lagi blog aku yakni Bo Is A Nerd.

Tapi aku terkejut entri aku yang agak budus boleh termasuk Top 10 Innit. Tolong lah nang kalau sudi

Ini dah kali ke-5 posting aku masuk Top 10 Innit. Pada aku, masuk Innit tolong sedikit sebanyak menaikkan traffic kita. Lagi satu, boleh kita kenal blogging style orang lain.

So, rajin-rajinlah kawan-kawan melawat Innit sebab lagi banyak kita belajar dari orang lain (blogger lain), lagi bestlah blog kita nanti, insya'Allah.

Keep on blogging guys!